Tampereen arkkitehtuuriopas 1900-2021


Tampereen arkkitehtuuriopas ("The Tampere Architecture Guide") is a beautiful, versatile, and freshly illustrated work that can easily be brought along on a tour of the city in one’s bag or pocket. Within this guide, the everyday life of the city, then and now, is clearly visible alongside the buildings. All the sights displayed have been photographed for this particular work.

 Published: 2021

Publisher: Tampere history museums

Authors: Markku Lahti, Jorma Mukala

Editor: Marjo-Riitta Saloniemi

Image editing: Antti Liuttunen

Description: Paperback, 152 pages

Language: Finnish

ISBN: 978-952-371-023-8

10 in stock

SKU: VAP1004 Category:

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