PRE-ORDER: Birger Federley – jugendarkkitehti
36,00 €
Architect Birger Federley (1874–1935) brought a new building style to Tampere, Art Nouveau. Its first manifestations in the city were the Tirkkonen shopping palace designed by him together with Lars Sonck. Next, many important landmarks in terms of the cityscape were created on the desktop, such as Palander's house, De Gamlas Hem, Frenckell's factory area, Tampereen Osake-Pankki, Laukonlinna, Kymmenenmiehentalo, Laivayhtiö's house and Tuominen's stone wall. Birger Federley – art nouveau artist presents not only Federley's art nouveau gems, but also his extensive production up to the 1930s. The separate articles in the book deal with the architecture of Federley's generation, the design competitions organized in Tampere, and there is also the first report shedding light on the stages of Federley's and Sonck's joint architectural office in Tampere. The richly illustrated work is complemented by a comprehensive list of all known works designed by Federley in Finland.
Publisher: Tampere historical museums
Publication working group: Juha Jaakola, Antti Liuttunen, Marjo-Riitta Saloniemi, Saarni Säilynoja
Texts and images: Juha Jaakola
Edit: Marjo-Riitta Saloniemi
Photo edit: Antti Liuttunen
Graphic design and layout: Kaarina Marttila
Hardback, 293 pages, available only in Finnish
ISSN 1237-5276
ISBN 978-952-371-092-4
City of Tampere museums publications 176
39 in stock