Tuula Lehtinen: With Pleasure


A fresh and colorful exhibition publication, reminiscent of women's magazines, showcases the career, art, and life of the Tampere-based artist Tuula Lehtinen.

Tuula Lehtinen is known for her printmaking, paintings, ceramic sculptures, and public mosaic works. She is also a significant influencer and innovator in the field of visual arts. In Lehtinen's artworks, as well as in the publication, flowers glow, palms sway, silk rustles, and porcelain shoes gleam. Her art is a sensual celebration of beauty and femininity, fearlessly placing beauty at the centre. The publication includes her early Egyptian, space, and garden-themed graphics, public mosaic works, and the latest paintings. Also featured in the magazine is a recipe for a chocolate cake dedicated to Tuula Lehtinen's art by the sous-chef of the Näsinneula restaurant, Anssi Lahdensivu.


Soft cover

74 pages

Editors: Marjut Villanueva, Tuula Lehtinen, Viliina Julkunen, Tapani Pennanen, Sini Väisänen

Texts: Anne Backman, Selma Green, Anna Kortelainen, Veikko Halmetoja, Anssi Lahdensivu, Virpi Nikkari, Sarianne Soikkonen

Layout: Mako Niemelä

Publishers: Tampere Art Museum

Tampere Art Museum´s publications 192Printed by Punamusta, 2024

5 in stock

SKU: TAI1008 Category:

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