The Story of the Moomin Books – Exhibition Guide
15,00 €
You can explore the artist and writer Tove Jansson's original Moomin art at the Collection Exhibition at the Moomin Museum. All the exhibits are part of the collection donated to Tampere Art Museum in 1986 by Jansson (1914-2001) and her partner Tuulikki Pietilä (1917-2009). The collection consists of nearly 2000 illustration originals and artworks, together with objects and archival material.
This booklet presents the Collection Exhibition of the Moomin Museum. Tove Jansson wrote and illustratedtwelve Moomin books under a time of four decades. Our Collection Exhibition tells the story of the Moomin books. You are cordially invited to take part of a magical trip. Welcome!
Selma Green,
Museum Director
Hard back, 55 pages, in Finnish.
Editors: Marina Catani, Meri Kallio, Virpi Nikkari, Marjut Villanueva
Writers: Marina Catani, Meri Kallio, Riikka Kuittinen
Published: 2024
ISBN 978-952-371-090-0
ISSN: 0782-3746
Tampere Art Museums publications 194
4 varastossa